
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Giving and Receiving.

Get your mind out of the gutter, I'm talking about presents!  Today I'm linking up with Allie and Kay for Wedded Bless Wednesdays!  Click the button below so you can link up and check out the other entries!


This week the topic is GIFTS.  Who doesn't love buying and receiving gifts?!  This post gives me a little anxiety because I feel like I need to get on the ball with Christmas shopping.  I know it's still (barely) October, but I need to at least start making a list of ideas for everyone!  Anyway, here are my answers to this week's questions!

What is the best gift to give your husband?
The best gift to give Nick is probably something tech related.  He loves anything and everything electronic.  He also loves watches (I think he has about 8) so a watch is always good.  Not just any watch though, he's picky!  They have to be solar powered and have other fancy features.

What is a meaningful gift that you can give that does not cost money?
I love making homemade cards for Nick with special notes inside.  I used to do this more often, but I need to get back into it!  I always write a note in any card I give him but the homemade cards are much more meaningful in my eyes!  He also makes quite a few of my cards and I *love* them!  (We both have saved every card we have ever gotten from each other and it's so fun to go back and look at them together!)
Homemade coupons are always fun, too!  They can be naughty or nice and they can be super simple or more involved - it's totally up to the creator!

What is the best gift you have given to him?
You would definitely have to ask him!  Hopefully he might say our son, Carson.  ;)

What is the best gift he has given to you?
I guess this is where I should say Carson, right?  :)  I really do believe that BUT Nick has given me a lot of other great gifts, purses, etc.  My favorite gift was the gift to let me stay at home this year to take care of Carson!  <3

What are you giving this holiday?
Like I said above, I have no idea what I'm giving yet and it gives me anxiety!  I'm hoping to make a list of ideas soon because I have a lot of people to buy for!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Just Call Me Martha [Tasty Tuesday]

If you know me, you know that I'm fairly UNdomestic.  When we bought our house, I was determined to learn how to be more domestic.  I didn't and my excuse was that we didn't have the necessary tools.  Then we got married and got all of those "necessary tools" from our registry.  Shoot.  So then I promised [myself] that I would at least try to become domestic in ONE domain.  I became a baker.  Not like a Buddy Valastro  cake boss, but more like Betty Crocker.  (Because I used her box mixes!)

That was 4 years ago and now I'm much more comfortable in the kitchen.  I'm most confident in my baking/desserts, but I have also been trying tons of new recipes for dinners and I've even started meal planning!

After Carson's 4 month appointment, we were given the "go ahead" to start solid foods.  I knew I wanted to make his food, but I wasn't ready for my little baby to take that step because it meant he was growing up!  (That might sound ridiculous but I know other moms understand!)  We started out with [oatmeal] cereal and he loved it.  He ate that for about a month and I finally decided I needed to get some real food for this boy!

I've been using this site as a basic guideline for our journey into solids.  We decided to start with sweet potatoes and Carson loved them!  Making my own baby food used to sound so daunting but it was a lot easier than I expected!  Here's a quick little "tutorial" if you're interested.  Make sure to scroll to the end to see Carson enjoying Mommy's creation!

Step 1: Scrub your potatoes clean.  Using a super cute brush helps make this process fun.  Next, poke some holes in the potatoes with a fork and wrap each one in some aluminum foil.  Place on a jelly roll pan or cookie sheet and bake for 45-60 minutes at 400 degrees.

 Step 2: Unwrap your potatoes and let them cool for a few minutes.  Cut each potato in half length-wise.  The potatoes should be very tender.  Scoop out the "meat" and leave the skin behind.  Put the good stuff into your food processor!  [Blenders work as well.  Check out this article if you're unsure which to use!]

Step 3: Add some breastmilk or formula to thin out your mixture.  I used about 1.5oz of breastmilk for each potato.  You can do more or less depending on your desired texture.  This was Carson's first food (besides oatmeal) so I didn't want it too thick or textured!  Once you add your thinning agent, process for about 2 minutes or until smooth and creamy.

 Step 4: Using a spoon, scoop your mixture into ice cube trays.  I bought my 3-pack of BPA trays for a few bucks at Walmart.  Wrap the trays with plastic wrap and stick them in the freezer.  Once the cubes are sufficiently solid, pop them out and stick them in a labeled freezer bag.  I labeled my bag with the food, date, and "use by" date.  I've read in multiple places that you should try to use frozen baby food within 1-3 months.

Step 5: Thaw your cubes and feed to your adorable baby!  Please make sure to read this very informative article on thawing and heating!


Monday, October 29, 2012

How I Met Your Father

I'm linking up with Becky again for Show & Tell Monday!  Click the button below to head over and link up!

1. Tell us about how and when you met your love and what attracted you most to him.
I met Nick 10 years ago in 2002.  I feel old.  (At least he's older.)  We met through an ex-boyfriend of mine.  Stay classy, San Diego!  I was first attracted to his looks (tall, dark, and handsome?  yes please!) and the fact that he was so nice and outgoing.  He had SO many friends so I knew he was pretty awesome right away.  I loved his smile and sweet demeanor.  We had some mutual friends so I would see him at parties and once I broke it off with my other boyfriend, I stalked Nick down at his super important job.  [He was a big wig at the time...cashiering at the grocery store!]  I am a little old fashion in that I like the guys to pursue me.  So when he didn't, I simple made him give me his phone number.  :)
This is from back in October 2002...I saved it!

2. Show us the very first {or one of the first} pictures you guys ever took together. {Feel free to show us more than one}
I couldn't find any pictures from the fall of 2002 but we went to my senior prom the following spring!
Prom 2003

Fall 2003

Halloween (2003?)

3. Tell us some of your favorite memories that you two had together.
We have SO many!  Some of the top moments include...

Building our house together (2005):

Getting our fur babies, Chip & Dixie (2005):

Getting engaged in Florida (2006):
Gotta love my beach hair, ew!
Getting married (2008):

Going to Kauai and Maui for our honeymoon (2008):

My college graduation (2009):

Going on a Caribbean cruise (2009):

Having our first son, Carson (2012):

4. Tell us your favorite qualities about this man, what makes him "the one."
I love how great of a husband and father he is.  He is sweet, gentle, and caring.  He's even a good listener (even though it doesn't always look like it, he's good at multitasking)!  He's my best friend and we really do like spending all of our time together.  (are you gagging yet?!)  I love his dark hair and blue eyes, love his height, his athletic build, and his smile. :)  I think we're perfect for each other b/c we balance each other out.  I'm type A and turn into a big ball of stress pretty much all the time and he's mellow and stress free!

5. Tell us what your "date nights" typically look like.
Since we had Carson, we've only had 2 date nights.  One was a movie at a dinner theater and one was a nice dinner at one of our favorite local restaurants (Ocean Club).  Before Carson, our date nights were pretty much dinner or movies.  We need to make one of those date jars from Pinterest so our dates are more original!  Now that Carson is with us, we do a lot of "day dates" like going to the zoo, the park, etc.  I usually try to convince Nick that we NEED dessert after a date...and I'm usually successful.  :)


Friday, October 26, 2012

1 Year.

What a difference ONE YEAR makes!  

Carson turned 23 weeks today and he's already reading!  Haha, spoken like a teacher!


Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pinterest FAIL!

Today I'm linking up with Katie and Stephanie for their new link-up, Saw it. Pinned it. Did it.  I'm sure most people will post amazing DIY crafts that are so cute.  I'll do that next time.  Today, a pin fail.  It happens to the best of us!  (At least that's what I tell myself to feel better about it!)


 If you've ever seen my food boards on Pinterest, you'll know that I pin mostly desserts.  I have a major sweet tooth.  I've been trying to pin more dinners now that I am at home because I love to try new recipes!  However, this little picture popped up while I was scrolling through Pinterest last week and I knew I HAD to try making these! 

They seem so easy.  You use brownie mix and large marshmallows.  How can anyone possibly mess that up?  Somehow, I did!  I followed the directions to a T (what does that saying even mean?!) and this is how my treats turned out:
Attractive, right?  I took them to the party shame in my game!  They taste decent but they're so ugly I probably won't be saving this recipe. 

While making these, I used one regular muffin tin and one silicone muffin pan.  I have 1 of each so whenever I'm making a full batch of something, I have to use 2 different kinds of pans.  Annoying for my OCD but I can handle it.  While I was washing my silicone muffin "pan", it cracked!  I contacted Wilton and they're going to send me another!  I'm glad I contacted them. 


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting!

I'm linking up with Michelle today and you should too!  I fell off the Pinterest bandwagon a while ago.  BUT once the app came to the Android market, I got right back on!  I know exactly what you're thinking: "This girl doesn't have an iphone?!"  Yea, I'm an outcast like that.  I actually like my Samsung though.  I don't have the GS3 (yet) but I love my Galaxy S II!

Anyway, back on topic......
Today I'm linking pins from my 'Home Decor and DIY' board.  If you aren't already following me, click that button on my sidebar.  I have boards for home, kids, education, food, etc.  ------->  
Yum!  This is perfect for cold weather days!
I love this quilt!  It looks like baby bedding in this pic but I want an adult sized version!
Who wants to make this for me?  I'm not patient enough!
Source: via Emily on Pinterest
A glitter wall!  Why wasn't this around when I was younger?!

Let's be honest (Michael Kors), I won't take the time to do this...but it's cool!

Such an easy fall wreath and you could change it up a bit for other seasons!

Don't forget to click this button to follow me!  Follow Me on Pinterest 


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Halloween Craft

Carson went to daycare for about a month before I decided to stay at home with him.  I loved his daycare and his teachers were great, but that didn't make it any easier for me to leave him there every day, all day!  One of the things I loved about his daycare was the cutesy crafts they did with the babies.  I knew I wanted to continue this when I was home with him so here is our first craft!  I got this idea from a friend in my mom's group and later saw it on Pinterest as well.  Here is our version:

Here is the Pinterest version:

Total cost for this project: $1.50!  I only had to buy the paint...the rest was stuff I already had at home (including the cheap frame).  I used white craft (tempera) paint and painted it on Carson's feet with a foam sponge brush.  I sat him in the bumbo chair and brought the paper (on a clipboard) to his foot.  This took a few tries so I'm glad I didn't use canvas!  The 'BOO' is letter stickers I had in my scrapbook stash on some orange paper with ribbon embellishment.  Easy peasy!

It's silly how excited I was about this!


Monday, October 22, 2012

Show & Tell!

Today I'm linking up with Becky over at From Mrs. To Mama for Show & Tell Monday!  Ever since having Carson, my "fashion" is pretty lackluster.  Basically it's an exciting day if I get some extra accessories on or if I'm wearing some stripes instead of a solid tee.  I need to work on this!

1. Tell us your favorite stores to shop at.
Target, Kohls, Express, Macy's.  I used to love F21 but I don't have enough patience for that place anymore!  I will buy online though. :)  Love AE for jeans...their new skinny kicks are amazing!

2. What are your "signature pieces" to wear.. your go-to outfits?
Jeans for sure!  I wear them every day unless it's too hot.  I also love cardigans!  My go-to outfit would probably be jeans w/ flats or heels, a cute tank and a cardigan.  Once it gets a little cooler (probably soon), I'll be wearing more sweaters and 3/4 shirts.  Long sleeves never work for me b/c I have long arms!

 3. Show us your style through pictures {of you or pinterest finds}.
 Make sure to note all the cardigans! :)
OSU gear = essential for the fall wardrobe!

typical summer outfit

summer again...babies are cute accessories!

 4. Show us your favorite celebrity style icons.
I love Jennifer Aniston's simple yet stylish wardrobe!  Looks so easy!

5. If you had to spend money on clothes or home items, which would you choose?

I love clothes but I would honestly spend it on home stuff!  I love buying new accessories for our house to change it up every now and then.  Plus I wouldn't feel as selfish since I share my house stuff with 2 other people! ;)

6. Show us your favorite accessories.
Diamonds are a girl's best friend!  I love simple pieces that work with any outfit!
This is very similar to my every day diamond necklace.
My new favorite earrings = studs.  Carson pulls on anything else - ouch!

7. Tell us in one sentence your philosophy behind shopping. {What makes you buy an item}

I rarely pay full price.  I'm pretty cheap.  Not cheap like my husband but I buy mostly sale items and I use coupons.  If I can save money, why not!

P.S. That cowgirl picture in #3 is totally a joke.  I live in Ohio, not Texas.  (Although I am jealous of those girls in Texas with their big hair and cowgirl boots!)
