
Monday, August 18, 2014

Mason Mitchell: 3 Months

Mason turned 3 months on July 15th, 2014.

Age: 3 months
Height: 25" (74th percentile)
Weight: 11 lbs 12 oz (10th percentile)

Nicknames: Mr. Mason, Mase, Mase-a-roo, Mase-a-doodle, Mase-a-rooni, Mason Mitchell

Milestones: Mason is on the verge of giggling and his coos are starting to turn into little shrieks!  Mason has also started grasping all kinds of toys.  He loves grabbing the dangling toys on his playmats and his monkey bouncer.  He also can grab his o-balls now and holds onto them for a while.  

Loving Dixie kisses!

Sleep: Mason is awake a LOT during the day!  Occasionally he'll take a great nap and then other days he survives on a lot of little cat naps.  We get a lot of comments about how alert he is and how often he's awake.  He has started sleeping through the night (YAY!) but not every night.  If he wakes up, it's usually only once around 3-4am.  He's still sleeping in the rock and play next to our bed but some nights we put him in the pack'n'play next to our bed.  He doesn't hate the flat surface, but definitely does better in the rock and play.  For naps I've been putting him in his crib when possible but he also naps in his rock and play and swing.

Best Moment: Mason has started smiling in response to his big brother and I love the interaction!  I also love hearing Mason's little shrieks and I know he's SO close to giggling!

Health:  Mason's spit up has gotten much better.  He still spits up almost every time we put him in the car seat and probably after about 50-60% of his feedings.  Sometimes it's a big volume and other times it's just a little.  I'm glad it's improving because we were going through way too many outfits and burp cloths!

Eating: Mason nurses 6-7 times a day, usually for about 20 minutes.  He had his first bottle this month!  He's now had 4 bottles.  The first bottle wasn't very fun for him, I think he got frustrated.  The second attempt we used a Playtex with the NaturaLatch nipple and he did great!  We used the same bottle for his 3rd and 4th bottle feedings and one went well and one did not.  I think we will probably practice more this next month but we haven't had any major reason to bottle feed yet.Sizes: Mason is still in 0-3/3 month clothes and size 1 diapers.  His 3 month sleepers are starting to get short but he still has plenty of room in his 2 piece outfits.  He goes through about 6-7 diapers a day.

Things I want to remember: Mason isn't a fan of tummy time!  He has rolled from his tummy to back two times when I put him down for tummy time!  I think it was a fluke because he hasn't rolled again.  :)  He is able to lift his head high but usually he just puts his face into the blanket/playmat and whines.  I always feel so bad so I end up flipping him over!  We're working on different techniques so he can strengthen those neck muscles!  He still loves holding onto his blankies while he's resting.  He is SUCH a happy baby and always gives me a huge smile when I get up close to him.  He has a fussy period each evening around 8-9pm before he falls asleep.  He has so much fun on his piano playmat and monkey bouncer.  We've tested out the bumbo a few times but he's still a bit too small.  He loves riding in the car and will sometimes cry at stop lights and quiet down as soon as we start moving again.  He isn't very into pacifiers anymore and will usually spit it right out if we try to give it to him.  He does try to suck on his fingers and hands a lot though!  I also love the way Mason's little ears stick out.  It's so adorable!


Friday, August 15, 2014

Mason Mitchell: 2 Months

Mason turned 2 months on June 15th, 2014.  (Today is Mason's 4 month birthday so I'm only 2 months behind in publishing this post!)  

Age: 2 months
Height: 22.5" (31st percentile)
Weight: 10lbs 11oz (24th percentile)

Nicknames: Mr. Mason, brother, Mase

Milestones: Mason smiled for the first time this month and now he smiles ALL the time and he also coos at everything!  He also finally had his first real bath with water in the tub!  We had been doing sponge baths still.  He loved splashing around with his legs!

Sleep: Mason still naps throughout the day whenever he's tired.  He normally naps in the rock and play or the swing but sometimes he'll nap on a blanket on the floor.  At night he wakes up twice to eat.  He usually wakes up around 11pm/midnight and again around 4-5am.  

Best Moment: Seeing Mason's first smile!

Health:  Mason is still spitting up quite a bit but since he's gaining weight, the doctors aren't worried.  He seems happier after eating now so I'm hoping he isn't in pain and he's just a "spitty" baby!

Eating: Mason nurses about 8 times a day and his sessions are usually about 15-20 minutes.  He still hasn't had a bottle!Sizes: Mason moved into 0-3/3 month clothes!  He still has a few newborn outfits he can fit into as well...such a peanut!  A lot of the 3 month clothes are still too wide but the newborn clothes were getting way too short for him...he couldn't fully extend his legs in NB sleepers anymore!  He just moved into size 1 diapers before turning 2 months!  He goes through about 8 diapers a day.

Things I want to remember: Mason loves his piano playmat and monkey bouncer!  He is starting to bat at toys and can even hold onto his o-ball for a few seconds if we help him get a grip on it.  He is constantly kicking his legs and people always comment how he's always moving!  He also LOVES blankies.  He loves to snuggle his Aden and Anais blankets.  He also loves being outside in the warm weather.  He has started to really take to his pacis and still prefers the "soothies" and his doggy wubbanub.  Sometimes when he's fussy, he'll immediately calm down if we step outside.  Mason's hair has a little swirl in the back and it's super cute!  I hope it stays that way!


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mason Mitchell: 1 Month

Mason turned 1 month on May 15th!  I know I'm EXTREMELY behind, but I drafted this post back in May and I want to publish this so I can remember everything!  <3

Age: 1 month
Height: 21.75" (47th percentile)
Weight: 8lbs 7oz (17th percentile)

Milestones: Mason has started to coo and it's the cutest thing ever!  

Sleep: Mason loves sleeping and still sleeps a lot during the day!  He loves sleeping on Mommy's chest and in the Ergo!  Overnight he sleeps in his rock and play next to our bed and he usually wakes up 2-3 times to eat.  During the day he naps whenever he's tired....usually on Mommy, in the swing, or in the rock and play!  We tried swaddling a few times but he seems to prefer no swaddle.    

Best Moment: I love hearing him coo and having him fall asleep on my chest!  

Health:  Poor Mason seems to have a bit of acid reflux and he gets fussy after feedings and almost always spits up.  Luckily he's happy after he spits up, but I feel so bad that he might be in pain!  He's still gaining weight so the doctors don't want to intervene with medicine at this point.

Eating: Mason nurses about 9-10 times a day for about 20-30 minutes a session.  He hasn't had a bottle yet.  We had some trouble with his latch initially and I don't want to mess that up! Sizes: Mason is wearing newborn clothes and newborn diapers!  He goes through about 10 diapers a day!  

Things I want to remember: Mason loves the white noise app on my phone and really loves the vacuum sound!  He also loves when we "shush" to help him fall asleep.  He loves sucking on Mommy's finger to relax.  He has a fussy period every day just like his big brother, but Mason's fussiness is less predictable than Carson's!  Mason loves when I rub his cheek or forehead with my fingers.

Here are a few pictures from our weekly photo shoots during Mason's first month:

Sweet dreams at 3 weeks!
