
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

First Bumpdate! (Weeks 6-12)

In case you missed it, last week I announced our big news!  We are so thankful and thrilled and I'm so glad that the news is finally "out"!  It's really hard to keep such a big secret for so long!

I'm currently 12 weeks along.  Here are some of my past weekly "updates"....

As you can see, I have no real bump yet...but I feel like it's definitely coming soon!  I definitely bloat super easy, that's for sure!  My nausea has been up and down.  Some weeks it's awful, other weeks it's manageable.  In the grand scheme of things, I feel very lucky with the "symptoms" I've been experiencing!

Here is my most recent bump shot:

12 Weeks!
Baby is currently the size of a PLUM!

Next Appointment: October 25th is our elective ultrasound to find out if Carson is getting a baby brother or sister!  My next OB (doppler) appointment is November 11th!

Gender: We will know by the end of next week!

Total Weight Gain: I have no idea....I wasn't up at all at my last appointment a week ago.

Maternity Clothes: Not yet!  I got them out of the storage bin, but they're still in a space bag.  I am totally comfortable in my regular jeans still....thankfully! :)

Food Cravings/Aversions: No new cravings but I'm still loving orange hi-c!  I used to go to the McDonald's drive-thru to pick them up but I ended up buying some juice boxes at the grocery.  :)  As far as aversions, a lot of meat sounds gross to me.  I bought chicken breasts and ground turkey for a few dinners I was going to make and couldn't even get them out to prep, yuck!

Best Moment This Week: I took Carson with me to my OB appointment and we had to wait quite a while.  He was getting pretty restless.  Once Dr G set up the doppler, Carson smiled SO big when he heard the heart beat.  Probably a coincidence but it still made me so happy!

What I Miss: I miss not waking up in the middle of the night to pee!  I also miss having energy....hopefully that will return soon!

What I'm Looking Forward To: Our elective ultrasound next Friday!  I'm also looking forward to not feeling so bloated and feeling pregnant instead.  Unfortunately that could be a while, who knows!

Extra Notes From the Week: This week I had to go in for some extra blood work to get my bile acids checked.  After speaking to my doctor at my 10/7 appointment, she wanted to get me tested for Cholestasis.   I feel pretty confident that I don't have it because it is most common later in pregnancy.  They said they will call me with the results by Friday so until then, I will not stress!



  1. Ahhhh! I missed your announcement earlier but CONGRATS! So excited for you and you look great :)

  2. I too couldn't stand the smell of chicken and beef in the beginning of pregnancy. I would always be on the verge of throwing up. Yuck!
