19 Weeks!
Baby is currently the size of a MANGO!
Next Appointment: Christmas week! December 23rd.
Gender: Adding another BOY to our family! Check out our reveal photo.
Total Weight Gain: I was +7 as of 11/25. After Thanksgiving who knows! ;)
Maternity Clothes: My jeans are really getting tight and not very comfortable in the hip area. I decided to finally get out my maternity jeans but they are still way too big! :( I'm in that awkward in between size. I think I might have to search around for my belly band thing and see if I can get that to work.
Sleep: I took a nap on Thanksgiving and it was glorious! Otherwise I just feel sleepy throughout the day and wish I could nap!
Movement: Movement has slowed down a bit this week but is still occurring on a regular basis!
Food Cravings/Aversions: I've been craving smoothies and unfortunately, our blender is packed away since our house is on the market. SO sad! I've tried to fulfill the craving by drinking juice on the rocks. Not the same. As far as aversions, meat is still not appealing to me. I kind of had to force a tiny bit of turkey down on Thanksgiving. :/
Best Moment This Week: Seeing Carson play with his cousins over Thanksgiving! I can't wait to give him a playmate in his own home!
What I Miss: I kind of wish I could have some vino on Thanksgiving but I bought sparkling juice and it was good, too!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Putting up our Christmas tree and a few other decorations. We can't go crazy this year because of potential showings, but I'm so glad our realtor gave us the go-ahead to put up a few things! I'm really tempted to put up an extra stocking, but Nick thinks I'm crazy. :)
Extra Notes From the Week: I've been monitoring my blood pressure and it's been "spiking" (not drastically) whenever I have a headache. This is what my doctor didn't want to happen. Luckily it seems fine when I don't have a headache so that's good! I need to decide if it's necessary to take my blood pressure cuff on vacation. I'm thinking no. :)
Oh my goodness I can't believe you're already 19 weeks! How did that happen so fast? I hope everything is ok with your BP! Let me know how your next appointment goes!