
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My First Mother's Day!

Sunday was my first Mother's Day!  Last year Carson was still in my belly and was waiting to make his grand entrance into this world!

We decided to spend the day with our moms at the zoo.  Unfortunately, the weather was not on our side and it only got into the 50's.  We didn't let that ruin our plans, though!

Before we went to the zoo, we spent our morning hanging out at home and being lazy.  Carson and Nick both got me potted flowers to put on our back patio and cute cards!

While we were at the zoo Carson had his first experience at the petting zoo!  I used to be one of those people thinking "Ew, gross.  WHO would let their kids in with those dirty animals?"  I know who now, people who want their kids to have fun and learn by exploration! :)  Carson LOVED it!  He loved "chasing" the [slow] goats and petting them.  The goats were good sports since Carson is still working on his "gentle" petting. 

Here's a picture of all 3 moms and my little family of 3!

How did you spend your Mother's Day?  
Did you do anything special on your first Mother's Day?

I'm linking up with Kristin today!


  1. Fun pics! Looking forward to taking Lady M to the zoo this summer. Spent my first Mother's Day doing one of my favorite activities - shopping, but as a family of 3. Visiting from the link up :)

  2. So fun! I'm dying to take Hayden to the zoo! Looks like Carson loved it!

  3. What a fun day! I LOVE the zoo! We were super lazy up until about NOON. It was amazing to sleep in and just lounge with my loves. :) Thanks for linking up!

  4. i already know i want to go to the zoo next year on mothers day when little man is outside of my tummy! its always so fun! glad you had a great day pretty mama!

  5. How cute are you!!! Love that you all went to the zoo!

  6. Cute pics! I'm glad you had a nice day even if the weather didn't cooperate!
