
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Social Sunday...Looking Back and Looking Forward!

Happy Mother's Day to all of my Mommy friends!  I can't believe this is my first time celebrating Mother's Day as a Mommy!  Last year Carson wasn't ready to make his appearance yet and he was still snug in my belly!
Sunday Social

1. 1 year ago I was doing ….
One year ago I was 38 weeks pregnant.  During that week I actually went on a zoo field trip with my kindergartners.  It was 85 degrees and I was H-O-T and very very pregnant!
38 Weeks Pregnant!
2. 5 years ago I was doing ….
Back in 2008 I was getting married!  I can't believe it's been almost 5 years (at the end of this month)!  I remember doing all the festivities and planning ( did I even do it?!).  

3. 10 years ago I was doing….
Graduating from high school!  Our 10 year reunion is supposedly being planned but it seems like nobody can agree on anything so who knows if it will even happen.  I can't believe it's been 10 years since I was a high school student!  

4. 1 year from now I'll be doing…
Possibly (hopefully) pregnant and probably doing the same thing I was doing in 2012 at this time....finishing up the school year and my pregnancy and prepping for a summer with a new baby (and a big brother this time)!
5. 5 years from now I'll be doing….
Carson will probably just be finishing his first year of school as a kindergartner!  Aside from that I have NO idea what else will be going on!

6. 10 years from now I'll be doing…
That's a bit far even for THIS OCD planner!  Let's just say I hope I am [still] happy, in love, and a great Mommy!



  1. Happy mothers day!

    Just found your blog!
    Now following!!
    Looking forward to keeping up :)


  2. that picture never gets old!
    happy mothers day!

  3. that picture never gets old!
    happy mothers day!
