Lately whenever I talk to my mom friends, we always end up talking about food for the kids. It seems like it's hard to think of creative ideas for meals and snacks so I wanted to share some of Carson's favorite snacks as of lately. These are some of our favorite go-to snacks for between meals.
1. Earth's Best Organic Sunny Days Snack Bars
2. Annie's Bunny Grahams
3. Cheerios
4. Plum Organics Teensy Fruits
5. Veggie Straws. These are a new favorite of Carson's. I randomly picked them up at the grocery when they were on sale and they are a huge hit! I throw these in Carson's snack cup when we're going to be out and about during snack time and he gobbles them right up. I'm not sure how healthy they are because they seem pretty salty but the nutrition facts say that they only have 10% of your daily sodium which doesn't seem bad. Plus they're "natural"!
6. Cheese! Who doesn't like cheese?! I usually buy the snack sticks of Colby Jack and cut them up for Carson, but we've also done string cheese. This is a great snack or "side dish" during meal time if you need to get in some extra dairy!
7. Fruit. Carson definitely takes after his Momma and loves fruit! His favorites lately are strawberries and blueberries, but he will eat just about anything. I almost always have fresh strawberries and blueberries in the fridge, but you can also keep frozen fruit in your's a great snack for teething babies!
*Note: I was in no way compensated to promote these products. These recommendations are my personal opinions and suggestions!
I'm linking up today: