Before having kids, I was one of those people with a color theme to my tree. I had matching ornaments and they all coordinated. I spaced them nice and even and it looked so perfect. Now? My tree is full of homemade, personalized, and sentimental ornaments. I kind of love it! It's obviously much more eclectic but I love that each ornament has meaning! We don't have a ton on our tree this year because I decided to go "hookless" and eliminate most bulbs. All of our ornaments are hung with ribbon for safety reasons. We only have a few fragile ornaments and I placed those at the top out of Carson's reach.
Here are some of my favorite ornaments on our tree this year:
Carson's 2012 "Baby's First Christmas" with one of his 6 month photos.
Carson's hand print from last year. It was fun to see how much his hand has grown in a year!
Our 2012 family photo ornament.
An embroidered ornament my aunt made for Carson (she made one for me every year when I was little too!)
A Yorkie ornament for Chip & Dixie!
My dad had an ornament VERY similar to this as a child. My step mom found one for Carson to hang every year just like his Grandpa! <3
Our 2012 family ornament. This was a gift and I love it!
Carson's hand print Santa ornament we made this year.
Our 2013 family ornament complete with a pregnant snowlady momma!
Chip and Dixie's paw print ornaments. They're hard to capture in a picture but you get the idea....
Do you have any favorite ornaments on your tree?

Lol we tried to do Sadie's hand last night. It didn't work out so well. We settled for her feet instead! I love your 2012 family picture ornament! And now you've inspired me to do teddy's paw print :o)